
Christmas Break Sensory Tips

1. Greetings and Introduction to Christmas Break Sensory Tips The holiday season can be a magical time filled with joy and excitement. However, for families with children on the autism spectrum or with ADHD, it can also be overwhelming and challenging. The change in routine, sensory overload, and social expectations can all contribute to increased stress and anxiety. As a parent, it’s important to be prepared and equipped with strategies to help your child navigateContinue reading “Christmas Break Sensory Tips”

Sensory Friendly Halloween Tips

Dressing head to toe in costume, going door to door and asking people for candy, lots of bright lights and spooky noises. It’s almost that time of year, fun for millions of kids who love to go to haunted, decorated houses and go trick-or-treating in their favorite superhero costume. However, for kids with Autism and sensory differences, Halloween can be experienced a lot differently and may not be so fun after all. For kids whoContinue reading “Sensory Friendly Halloween Tips”

Best Toys for Non-Verbal Autistic Children

Parents of children who have autism can face challenges throughout their parenting experience.  Children who have autism often communicate differently than children who do not, and in this post, we will be discussing non-verbal autism.   Non-verbal autism simply means that the autistic child does not speak.  It does not mean that they are unable to speak or that they cannot communicate, but instead that they may not have developed the verbal communication skills necessaryContinue reading “Best Toys for Non-Verbal Autistic Children”

Where to Buy Toys for Autistic Children

Parents of children with autism are well aware of the importance of providing developmentally appropriate toys to their children that promote healthy sensory development.   There are lots of great resources on the web that cover which toys are best for children with autism and what specific aspects of healthy sensory motor development they can help (see our post How Does Sensory Play Help Child Development).     However, we thought it might be valuable toContinue reading “Where to Buy Toys for Autistic Children”

How Does Sensory Play Help Child Development?

Children experience their world through the senses.  As living beings, we rely on our senses to navigate through different environments, tasks, and activities throughout the day.  The more we engage with our senses, the more we enrich our experiences.   The process of engaging in sensory stimulations is especially important for children because their brains are developing and taking in tons of information that will help them shape how they interact with their world.   Continue reading “How Does Sensory Play Help Child Development?”

5 Toys that will Improve Your Child’s Focus and Concentration

Ever have a hard time concentrating?   Even as adults we can have trouble keeping focused on necessary day-to-day tasks.  Especially in today’s world with our smartphones, notifications, and constant email and social media buzzing happening constantly. But I want to talk about your children.  Especially if your child has Autism, anxiety, or ADHD. Why is concentration an important skill for your child to have? The answer to this question seems obvious, but often in modernContinue reading “5 Toys that will Improve Your Child’s Focus and Concentration”

5 Reasons Why Sensory Play Is So Important

Sensory play includes any activity that stimulates a young child’s senses of touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing, as well as anything which engages movement and balance. (goodstart.org)   Children need to engage in activities that stimulate the senses in order to make sense of their world and to develop the necessary skills to function in society.   In this blog post, we will cover 5 reasons why sensory play is important for your child,Continue reading “5 Reasons Why Sensory Play Is So Important”

5 Tips to Help Your Autistic Child Learn & Succeed

I’d like to begin this post with a metaphor. Imagine that you are looking for something in your garage, but the lights are not working so you make sure you bring your flashlight with you into the dark space so you can find what you are looking for. You open the door to the garage and turn your flashlight on and point it in the area where you think the object you are looking forContinue reading “5 Tips to Help Your Autistic Child Learn & Succeed”

10 Sensory Activities for Children with Autism That You Can Do At Home

It’s no secret that sensory play is healthy for children and needed for optimum development. Though all children should be getting the appropriate amount of sensory stimulation, it is even more vital for children with autism because these children often have developmental challenges with sensory motor skills, regulating emotions, and problem-solving.   The COVID-19 vaccines have launched and hopefully, we will slowly be opening back up and take our children out and about for playContinue reading “10 Sensory Activities for Children with Autism That You Can Do At Home”