
5 Toys that will Improve Your Child’s Focus and Concentration

Ever have a hard time concentrating?   Even as adults we can have trouble keeping focused on necessary day-to-day tasks.  Especially in today’s world with our smartphones, notifications, and constant email and social media buzzing happening constantly. But I want to talk about your children.  Especially if your child has Autism, anxiety, or ADHD. Why is concentration an important skill for your child to have? The answer to this question seems obvious, but often in modernContinue reading “5 Toys that will Improve Your Child’s Focus and Concentration”

Fidget Tools for Focus

Everyone fidgets– you may bite your nails, play with your hair, doodle on your paper, or bounce your leg. “Fidgets” have become a common craze today in the world of our kids, but there is actually science behind why fidget tools help some kids focus. Some children’s brains are seeking more input to stay at the “just right” arousal level. For example, a child who is “seeking” sensory input may be constantly moving, wiggling, touchingContinue reading “Fidget Tools for Focus”