

It’s no secret that sensory play is healthy for children and needed for optimum development. Though all children should be
As human beings, we experience our world through our senses.  We use taste to appreciate an incredible meal, touch to
The Best Sensory Toys For Children With Autism The CDC states that about 1 in 54 children are born with
Do we even need to buy babies toys their first year of life? They seem to be so fascinated by
How are your mealtimes, do they go smoothly or are they difficult? How many of you have a picky eater?
Surviving Social Distancing with a Very Active Child Is your child always on the go? Constantly wanting to move, be
Games and Toys for Fine & Visual Motor Skills Fat Brain Fruit FriendsSensory, bilateral coordination, and fine motor skill building
Children with ADHD may have a hard time paying attention, sitting still, organizing their tasks and materials, managing time and
Happy Sensory Processing Awareness Month! Sensory processing is a very complex topic (and one of my favorites!). The brain receives
Back to school 2020 may look a lot different this year for some of us. If you’re a parent putting