
5 Best Fidget Toys for Autistic Children in 2022

The 5 Best Fidget Toys for Autistic Children in 2022   For Autistic children, traditional toys are sometimes challenging to play with and engage with, but there are certain Fidget Toys that have proven to be very effective in engaging autistic children and keeping them focused on the task at hand.    It has been suggested that autistic children benefit from the use of fidget toys and fidgeting when it comes to developing their communicationContinue reading “5 Best Fidget Toys for Autistic Children in 2022”

Activities for Sensory Seekers

Sensory Seekers Children who are considered “sensory seekers” are those who have a higher neurological threshold for sensory input. They seek more sensory input in order to feel “normal” and regulated. Given the sensory cup example from the amazing OT Butterfly, the sensory seeking child has a very large sensory cup and they need more sensory input to fill that cup.  Signs of a Sensory Seeker Here are some signs your child may be a sensoryContinue reading “Activities for Sensory Seekers”

The Importance of Tactile Sensory Play

The Tactile System The tactile system, or sense of touch refers to the information we receive through the receptors in our skin.  These receptors monitor our sensations including light touch, pressure (deep touch), temperature, and pain. They help us discriminate things we touch and come in contact with such as textures, shapes, size, and weight (North Shore Pediatric Therapy). Touch receptors begin developing in the womb and start with the face (Morgan, J., 2017)! WhenContinue reading “The Importance of Tactile Sensory Play”

How to Create the Perfect At-Home Calm Down Corner for your Child

As we get older and experience more in life, we learn to deal with “big” emotions and the “heavy” feelings that come along with those experiences.     Children, however, are not yet equipped to managing strong emotions, which can lead them to have temper tantrums or melt-downs.     For children who have ASD, tantrums, and melt-downs can be even more severe.   It is ideal for parents and caregivers to have the ideal environment setContinue reading “How to Create the Perfect At-Home Calm Down Corner for your Child”